Maximise Edtesa Reporting within your company

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  3. Maximise Edtesa Reporting within your company

Announce that you are running the service before you launch

Run a build-up and set expectations of how you see the service working for your workplace. Let staff know it’s a helpline for any difficulties that they should value and not misuse. Like a 999 call, if people abuse it, it reduces its ability to help someone who could be in desperate need of support. Make sanctions for misuse clear.

Have appropriate management to respond to any alerts

Your workplace will only use this route if they trust that the response they receive is going to be helpful and valuable. The management who review messages should have a human resources background and know how to identify, respond and escalate issues effectively. In particular, the anonymous messaging tool in Edtesa Reporting should be used sensitively / carefully by someone who has had training to respond to disclosures.

Make the terms of service clear

It’s going to be almost impossible to run this service 24/7 so set expectations for your workplace about response times. Be pragmatic, especially when considering evening, weekends and holidays. If a situation is urgent and you cannot respond immediately, provide contact advice for a variety of organisations who run 24/7 helplines.

Drip feed it into your work culture

No one is going to use it if they are not aware of it or what to expect. Drop it into regular communications with your organisation; advertise it as best you can.

Use it to inform your policy and practice

Reviewing the types of calls you get through Edtesa Reporting can help you understand issues that you may not have been aware of. This can help shape your reactive and preventative strategies when dealing with future incidents.

Think beyond

This tool could be an effective route for people to make suggestions for improvements. You can have a number of forms/buttons setup within the tool that have completely different functions. Remember, people have the opportunity to leave their contact details too, it isn’t just encouraging anonymous reporting.