How to setup Edtesa Reporting

  1. Products
  2. Edtesa Reporting
  3. How to setup Edtesa Reporting

Setup overview: Getting started

Edtesa Reporting is an anonymous reporting tool designed to empower your workplace to report any issue to the management. It’s an extra channel of real-time information that gives you eyes on the ground and heads up on issues as they develop.

Setting up Edtesa Reporting is simple, this article describes how to setup Edtesa Reporting so you can start receiving messages from your organisation.

In this Article:

  1. Concepts
  2. Quick start guide
  3. Editing a form
  4. Managing inboxes
  5. Promoting the use of Edtesa Reporting within your company
  6. Knowledgebase

Edtesa Reporting concepts


A shared Edtesa Account container. It represents your organisation and links accounts for people in your organisation together, enabling you to share the products and services you subscribe to.


An individual user account within an organisation, you use this to login.


Users in your organisation who you have given access to the Edtesa Reporting system via an Edtesa Account.


Members of your Organisation community who can submit reports via the Edtesa Reporting system.


A form is used by users to submit reports. Forms are accessed through a form code (e.g. “EDT1”), this code is used in the URL used to access your form via the web, and as the prefix to SMS messages.

Typically, an organisation will have 1 form.

Forms can be customised with your organisation brand and text information.


An inbox receives reports. You can have multiple inboxes to receive different types of reports (e.g. incident reports or health and safety).


Reports are submitted by users through a channel such as via your web form or via SMS. Users will choose which category of report they are submitting which will determine which inbox their report lands in, and which admins are notified.

Reports submitted via SMS will be delivered to the first inbox in the list attached to the form the report is submitted through.


After a report is submitted, messages can be exchanged between admins and the user who submitted the report.


There are two types of permission within the Edtesa Reporting system, the first is Account Permissions and the second is Inbox Permissions.

Account Permissions can be set as one of two types: Organisation Admin and Organisation User. Organisation Admins can manage accounts, product configurations, and purchases. Organisation Users can only access products and personal configurations.

Only Organisation Admins can configure Edtesa Reporting.

Inboxes have permissions which can be set by Organisation Admins, this determines which Admins can see which inboxes (and thus reports) and enables them to receive notifications when Users post new reports or messages.


In the context of Edtesa Reporting, anonymous means that Admins with Inbox Permissions will not have access to the email address, telephone number, IP address, location, or submission channel of any user who submits a report through the Edtesa Reporting system.

Users may choose to give you their name or any other personal information or personal information of others within the context of their message but this is not technically required for the system to function.

Users may choose not to enter their email address when submitting a report – they can still read your response messages, but will not get email notifications. Any messages sent via SMS will reveal the senders telephone number to the system, but this is only available to the system for the purpose of sending responses.

Quick start guide

In order to use Edtesa Reporting you will need to have an account with us and have a paid for subscription.  If you already have an account, you can access Edtesa Reporting along with any other services we offer by clicking on your profile image and selecting Account.

After selecting Account, you will be taken to the following screen, where you can select Access.

This will take you to the Edtesa Reporting Manager Dashboard. From here select Setup Wizard to get started.

Setup wizard

The Setup Wizard will guide you through the setup process in 5 simple steps. These steps of the wizard are key to setting up Edtesa Reporting correctly.

Setting up a form

On this step you will create the form which users of the service will complete to submit reports to your default Edtesa Reporting inbox. You will be asked to create your form by adding a title, subheading and logo. As this is what the users will see, be sure to use an appropriate title and subheading.

You will also notice there is a Config tab on this screen. This defaults to recommended settings, however, these settings can be amended.

The Config tab consists of 2 fields:

  • SMS code
  • Data retention policy

SMS code

The SMS code is what users of the service will need to enter in the message body when raising an issue via text message for the first time. This will be automatically generated for you, but you may wish to amend it to something more memorable, given its importance. If users fail to enter the correct SMS code when sending their initial text, the message will be lost. If you wish to change it, you should do so now, as it is harder to communicate the change once the service has been promoted to your community.

Data retention policy

Simply select a timeframe in line with your data retention policy from the drop down list.

Create an inbox

This step involves creating an inbox within Edtesa Reporting. When a user submits a report via a form, it will be sent to the assigned inbox. In this step, we would recommend you enter Default as the title field for your first inbox. Next, assign a form to the inbox and grant access to your team members who require it.

The Setup Wizard is only used once to create a form and connect a default inbox. Should you subsequently wish to make edits to your form or reconfigure your inbox set up, you can access these settings directly from the Edtesa Reporting Management Dashboard.

Forms, Inboxes and Setup Wizard menu options, are only visible to Organisational Admins

It is possible to create additional forms in certain circumstances, however, generally, one form is all that is required. Reporting flows can be managed by creating additional inboxes and assigning users accordingly.

When additional inboxes are added to Edtesa Reporting, a member of staff/end user, can choose where to submit their report to, as an additional field will automatically be added to the reporting form, which reads, Send Somewhere Specific? This drop down field will reveal all the available inboxes, so it's important to use meaningful names when configuring them.

The Organisational Admin can decide who should have access to a particular inbox and assign individuals accordingly.

Editing your form

Once you have created your first form with the Setup Wizard, you can make edits to it by select the Forms icon on the Edtesa Reporting Manager Dashboard. Here you can edit form details such as the title, subheading, logo and background colour.

The Content tab enables you to enter copy that will appear above the form when users first arrive. You can use this to communicate how reports will be handled, or you can leave it blank. The second box of content is displayed when the user has submitted a report. This can be used to communicate how reports are handled. This content is required and there is a default message provided.

Managing inboxes

Once you have created your fist inbox with the Setup Wizard, you can add additional inboxes or change settings by selecting the Inboxes icon on the Edtesa Reporting Manager Dashboard.

Only people who have an Edtesa Account can be given permission to access Inboxes. You will need to add the relevant people through the User Manager before assigning Inbox Permissions.

Promoting the use of Edtesa Reporting within your workplace

Now that your form is working and you have setup who will receive reports, you can do the most important part – tell your workplace the service is available!

To help you, we have built a Poster Generator. Generate posters with just one click and display them around your company. Simply select the Poster Generator icon from the Edtesa Reporting Manager Dashboard and generate a customised poster with all the key information for end users to submit their reports. It will also be branded with the same logo and colour options you selected when you created your form.

You should also promote the service through your own channels such as via staff meetings.