Edtesa Reputation frequently asked questions

What does the 'Sentiment' value mean?

Based on the words in the matched content, a sentiment value is generated to represent the mood of the matched content i.e. is it positive or negative?

It should be noted that the sentiment value is just an indicator, a piece of captured content may be negative about the state of your industry, and highlight you as a positive influence. So even though the sentiment is recorded as negative, it would be positive for you.

What does the 'Influence' value mean?

This value gives an indication of how influential the website or author is. The range is between 0% and 100%.

As we capture the content as soon as possible after it is published, it is better to note the influence of the source rather than the piece of content itself, as it may not have been widely publicised yet.

Can I refine my results by date or by source?

Yes, there is an advanced search which can be accessed from the toolbar in each keyword result, click the More button (magnifying glass) to access it.

To change the date range of the displayed results, enter the desired dates into the From and To controls. You can use most date formats in here. For example:

  • 30/09/2015
  • 2015-09-30
  • 30th September 2015
  • 1 month ago

You can also refine by Sentiment, Influence, and Source by selecting a refinement from the drop-down menus. To show different results, change Show to Only Starred Results or No Show.

By default, you will be shown only new results from the past month.

How much of the internet does Edtesa Reputation cover?

The tool covers a wide range of sources which are too many to list, but the most popular ones include:

  • All mainstream news sites
  • Blogs
  • Forums and Message Boards
  • Twitter
  • Review Sites

The world wide web is vast and continually changing, thus no tool can capture everything. We focus on websites that have the most influence to business.

Note that the tool can only capture public data, content that is behind a login such as Facebook cannot be covered.

The tool did not pick up some tweets we were mentioned in?

Keywords are captured as whole words. To capture mentions, you should start your keyword or include with the @ symbol.

Direct messages that mention your handle before any text are not publically available and will not be captured by the tool.

Can I exclude specific websites or influencers?

Yes, if you keep capturing results from an irrelevant source, you can block it by ticking the checkbox next to the post, and selecting "Block Posts" on the toolbar.

The tool did not capture a post we were mentioned in - can anything be done?

Yes. Please send us a link to the content and the keyword that should have captured it. We will see what happened.

The most likely reasons for missing a capture is that they keyword is not setup, or it is from a source we did not cover. If that is the case, we can add it to our list for inclusion.

My Alert has stopped working and shows an error message saying "Too broad"?

Alerts that capture a large amount of results have a detrimental effect on the performance of the system and will flood your alert and inbox with irrelevant results. We monitor the system for Alerts that are generating too many results, and disable them.

To rectify this, you should delete the Alert that is capturing too many results, and set up a new one that has more refined parameters.